Ubudehe, JUBRA, interculturality, diasporas, UNILAB.Abstract
The JUBRA and UBUDEHE Network outreach projects are linked to the Institutional Program of Scholarship for Outreach Projects, Art and Culture (PIBEAC) / Pro-Rectory of Outreach Projects, Art and Culture (PROEX) from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB, all Portuguese acronym). As part of an interinstitutional strategy, the network discusses issues related to Brazilian youth and diaspora in Brazil, with a special interest in the Maciço de Baturité in Ceará. This article reports experiences of projects and analyzes the contribution of university outreach projects to the educational formative processes of youth. The study methodology includes bibliographical and document research. The projects contribute to intercultural dialogues, in particular with indigenous youth and international youth in diaspora and young Brazilians from the Maciço de Baturité or in mobility in that region. It is possible to conclude that a network involving multiple participants, institutions and social organizations promote quality debate, sharing of ideas and the production of knowledge of social relevance.
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