African Games, Mathematics, Polynomials.Abstract
The insertion of "Afro-Brazilian History and Culture" in the school curriculum has had teaching implications regarding the way of working while teaching the subject Mathematics. Therefore, this study seeks to ascertain the extent to which African games can contribute to mathematical learning. This article presents initial impressions of the extension action "Games of African origin and mathematical education: an ethnomathematical view", linked to the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) and carried out with basic education students from the city of Brejo Santo - CE. This action involved the survey of African board games that presented pedagogical potential and a process of adaptation of one of the games to work a curricular content of Mathematics. This study resulted in the elaboration of the Algebraic Dara, a game dealing with polynomials and polynomial expressions. The adaptation of African games was satisfactory and allowed the progress of other works involving mathematical knowledge from African games.
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