Organization of work, Management, Ergonomics.Abstract
This article presents the actions and results of an outreach project entitled Implementation of Management Actions at an Association of Recyclable Materials. The project offered training and interventions in the physical structure of the association that contributed to its development and maintenance. The association, which is the only source of income of the recyclable waste collectors, was founded in 2006 by the Ouro Preto – MG city administration in order to remove the collectors from the precarious working condition at the municipal landfill. The qualitative research methodology included direct observations, semi-structure interviews and andragogy principles, which allowed a better interaction between the researchers and the collectors in addition to facilitating the exchange of knowledge and the appropriation of techniques. The outcomes include the improvement in disclosing information, in the frequency and in the routes of recyclable waste collection, in the organization of work, in the ergonomic aspects, as well as the increase of the amount of waste collected and the generation of income.
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