Outreach, teaching-research-outreach, Dialogic interaction.Abstract
This study presents, through a quantitative and qualitative approach, the development of the annual outreach event “Talking about Outreach - CONEX” carried out by the Outreach Projects and Cultural Affairs Office of State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). It aims to demonstrate the contribution of the event to the outreach activities developed in UEPG through the description and analysis of data collected from 2003 to 2017. It analysed the data taking into account the thematic area, the quantity of papers presented and its modality. The methodology is characterized as a documentary analysis and the data were obtained through information about the event presented in records, websites and annals. The results indicate that the event is an excellent way to disseminate the outreach activities, providing opportunity to discuss the indissociability of teaching-research-outreach, contributing to students’ education as well as promoting social changes.
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