Culture, Education (Physics), Sport, Action Research, Extension.Abstract
This study is part of a research that involved an extension action carried out through the program Guide: Citizenship Action (PEAC - Brazilian abbreviation) of UEFS/BA. Its object of study is the project School of Sports and the Problem: What is the Contribution of PEAC to the sports and citizenship education of the students enrolled in the School of Sports? It was developed through action research and the main results demonstrate that the contributions of the project taking into account the micro-dimensions (socialization of knowledge/critical propositions about sports intervention in social projects) and the macro-structural aspects (considering that the discussion and actions should be broader than just providing space for sports practice) are permanently interconnected. It is possible to conclude that extension actions related to sports will not change the system, but it will contribute significantly to the citizenship education of the ones involved in it, accomplishing transformations.
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