Preschool Children, Dental Students, Health Education, Health Promotion, Oral Health.Abstract
This paper aims to report the experience of 17 years of the extension project "Integral Attention to Oral Health in Sorena Day Care Center" which provides activities to improve oral health of preschool children since 2001. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee 044/2007 FO-UFPA. The activities have being developed by 3 pediatric dentists, 1 undergraduate scholarship holder, 12 undergraduate students, through volunteer work, and 3 professors, members of the School of Dentistry from Federal University of Pará. The activities aim to provide learning about oral health as well as health prevention and treatment to preschoolers from 2 to 5 years of age through actions of oral health promotion, prevention and treatment. It were carried out through recreational activities such as games, puppets, storytelling and lectures in order to construct knowledge. It is possible to conclude that during 17 years the project has being achieving positive results. The experiences of the ones that take part in the project, the perception of the preschool children, their parents and/or guardians, teachers and day care staff were reported in a reflexive manner, demonstrating the importance of creating new possibilities to health education. It was possible to note that the activities developed to welcome preschoolers kept them calmer and as a result the dental procedures were less traumatic to them.References
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