School Improvement, Learning Difficulties, Education.Abstract
The extension project had the objective of implementing a reinforcement system in the primary school for the 2nd and 3rd year students from the Public School Antônio Guedes who presented poor performance or learning difficulties. The activities developed consisted of clarifying doubts, preparing verification exercises, giving reinforcement classes and guiding the execution of activities assigned by the teacher. The means used were: educational games and dominoes, textbooks, dictation of words, arithmetic tables and educational free software. The participating students commented that they enjoyed the activities of reinforcement, and the percentage of satisfaction was 100%. The main justifications they gave were: taking part in the activities resulted in better learning; they learned, above all, to read and write; and that they liked "Auntie", as they spontaneously called the female university students who carried out the activities with them. According to the teachers, the experience showed that there was an improvement in Portuguese and mathematics performance, as well as higher participation in the classroom and better task accomplishment.
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