Aged, Internship and Residency, Community-Institutional Relations.Abstract
This is an experience report from the first year of the extension project titled: "Multidisciplinary residency in elderly’s health in the Rural Training and Community Action Program". The team comprised twelve residents and three teachers. The actions occurred between August 2017 and July 2018, in various social spaces of the community. The elderly benefited from collective actions, such as the blue November campaign and health education activities on the theme of their interest. At the individual level with gerontological assistance, through preventive, curative, rehabilitative health and multidimensional health assessment. The residents had professional gain with improvement of their skills and knowledge. The results led to the conclusion that the project has contributed positively to the elderly’s comprehensive care, as well as the deepening of the theoretical aspects developed in the curriculum of the residents' program, allowing the integration between care, education and extension.
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