Recyclable Material Collectors, Cooperlages, Solidarity Economy, Technological Incubator of the Popular Cooperative.Abstract
The objective of this text is to reflect on the Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives of the University of Planalto Catarinense (ITCP UNIPLAC) and the incubation process of the Cooperative of Collectors of Recyclable Materials of the Municipality of Lages, SC, (COOPERLAGES). We describe the emergency context of the social movement of the solidarity economy, the institutionalization of the incubator emphasizing its proximity to the collectors’ universe through incubation actions of the cooperative and facing the challenges of internal management and selective collection. In this pedagogical process, we highlight the training of collectors, organization, constitution of the cooperative and signature of the first contract of service for the selective collection of recyclable materials between the cooperative and the City Hall of Lages for the period from March 2015 to March 2016. The reflection focuses on the role of the Incubator in the process of incubation of the cooperative guided by principles and values of solidarity economy, namely, self-management, collective ownership of the means of production, cooperation, solidarity, democracy, responsibility with the social environment, environmental awareness and the integration of solidary consumption with sustainability. The research is characterized by a qualitative, bibliographic, descriptive and explanatory approach. This is a case study because it reflects on a part of a greater totality of similar characteristics. The theoretical background addresses the themes of solidarity economy, university incubator and public policy of solid waste. The study shows that COOPERLAGES constitutes an organization that is relevant to its members, as they go from inhuman conditions to more humane conditions of life; That the municipality of Lages exercises first steps towards the national solid waste policy, as provided for in the Law 12,305 / 10; As shown by the incubation actions, in the internal management of the cooperative and the selective collection, the greatest obstacles to be overcome with the participation of all the actors involved are: the municipal government, the community, the cooperative and the UNIPLAC ITCP so that the public policy of solid waste is made effective and is consolidated in the municipality of Lages; Finally, that the university has the opportunity to strengthen teaching, research and socially relevant extension.
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