The aim of this paper is to share the experience of undergraduate Pedagogy students from a city in the state Paraná, Brazil. The undergraduate students were involved in the elaboration of the resources as well as in storytelling activities at the Municipal Library Professor Egydio Martello. The experience emerged from the outreach project called “Deixa eu contar... histórias que brincam e encantam” (“Let me tell you ... stories that play and charm”, in a free translation) carried out in an interdisciplinary action of 5th year undergraduate Pedagogy students. It is a qualitative research based on action research that includes bibliographical references and experience reports. Authors such as Vygotsky (2003), Machado (2004), Abramovich (2009), Coelho (2000) and Debus (2006) support the study. The study demonstrated that children´s literature stimulated the enjoyment of storytelling in undergraduate students, and raised children´s awareness of the value of children’s literature and other readings. In addition, it provided moments of enjoyment, imagination and enchantment, and exposed children to a diversity of books and storytelling strategies.
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