Farmers, Action research, Pine nut.Abstract
This article aims to understand the relationship between rural communities, institutions working in the communities and pine nut in order to analyze the importance of Araucaria angustifolia within this culture and relate them to the conservation of the species. The article is the result of the project "Socioenvironmental study focusing on the chain production of pine nut from a conservation perspective of A. angustifolia, in the rural community of Campo Redondo, Itamonte / MG". The methodology included action research using documentary analysis, participant observation and interviews. In the local culture the harvest and use of A. angustifolia branches as firewood was observed, as well as the harvest of pine nuts to be commercialized and used in local food. In addition, three dialogic spaces for the valuing of the pine nut as food, culture and preservation of the species were build with the community. The study reinforced the importance of the exchange of knowledge between the community and institutions that work there.
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