The objective of this article was to analyze the process of implementation of the project Ressoa na Mata: Redes de Economia Solidária e Agroecologia na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais (Resonating in the Jungle: Solidarity based economy and agroecological networks in the Zona da Mata in Minas Gerais) in the state of Minas Gerais (December 2017 to January 2019), by the extension program Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas Populares da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (ITCP-UFV) (Technology incubator of popular Cooperatives of the Federal University of Viçosa). The research methods used included observation of the activities developed and analyses of reports and minutes of meetings with participants. From the data collection based on these two procedures, we elaborated a synthesis with the main actions of the project, analyzing its implementation using an agroecological approach. Finally, we listed the main lessons learned from the experience, seeking to contribute to the reflection on the incubation of networks in the solidarity based economy.
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