Health education is very important, in which nursing has a broad action towards the community, clarifying, guiding and educating for health. This study aimed to devise educational material in a teaching maternity in Campos Gerais, as well as applying and evaluating such material, about postpartum and breastfeeding with puerperal women and specialists in the primary, secondary and tertiary level according to Pasquali’s criteria. This is a descriptive study through the action of an outreach project in contact with the community. The collection was carried out with ten puerperal women assisted by the project and ten specialists in the area of women’s health/Obstetrics. The educational material on Postpartum was created to solve the doubts of the participants in interaction with the team of the Nursing Consultation Project in Prenatal and Postpartum outreach project. The results showed that all the criteria evaluated by the specialists and puerperal women exceeded the target average of 50%, reaching between 80 and 100% total agreement, leading to the conclusion that the educational material facilitated the puerperal women’s learning, contributing to maternal autonomy.
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