The mission of the Farroupilha Federal Institute is to promote free, public, professional, scientific and technological education through teaching, research and outreach activities, focusing on integral citizen education and sustainable development. This study aims to analyze the contributions/impact of outreach activities on the academic and professional formation of students involved in outreach projects in the aforementioned campus. It was a qualitative quantitative research in the form of a case study. The research participants were students involved in outreach actions and institute staff who acted as coordinators. The results pointed out that these actions are relevant and significant for the students, as they have a positive impact on the academic, professional, and on the human and citizen formation of the paticipants. It was observed that the interaction and socialization with the communities and institutions attended, provided students the construction and improvement of skills, personal and professional growth, incorporation of new practices, exchange of experiences and critical view of reality and inequalities. Other results include learning to work in teams, and oppotunities to participate in events and increase scientific production. It was concluded that outreach activities provide training and a differentiated curriculum, which in turn improve scientific and popular knowledge and promote social transformation.
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