Interdisciplinary Studies, Media, Lowering the age of criminal responsibility.Abstract
This paper presents our extension program project, which is based on the participatory action research approach, and is called “Legal and Pedagogical Interdisciplinary Studies on Children and Adolescents at the Triple Border”. The program was co-developed with professionals and undergraduates from Law School and Education School, connected to the Bureau of Studies and Defense of Youth and Childhood Rights (NEDDIJ, in the Brazilian Portuguese acronym). The project aims at promoting defense actions in aid of children and adolescents living in the bordering cities. Thus, as an attempt to trigger NEDDIJ actions through an interdisciplinary approach, our starting point was the question: to what extent does the media influence the bill on lowering the age of criminal responsibility? Actions were methodologically assigned in weekly meetings and debates about the subject, therefore establishing new communication alternatives between different fields that share common objectives. We expect this program can foster the development of professional independence both for educators and law school newly graduates.References
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