Education, Nursing, Community-Institutional Relations, Social Determinants of HealthAbstract
The integration of education research and objective extension consolidate all of the student’s personal maturation process. In this light was created in 2013 the research project / scope: “The insertion of the nursing academic in scientific research focusing on the determinants and conditions of the health-disease, its consequences and relationships at different levels of care and health promotion to location, the individual and the family. The aim were to describe the use of active methodology in the process-teachinglearning in nursing undergraduate students through participation in outreach activities within the regular curriculum. We explore the project experience reporting using the methodology of questioning. During three semesters were developed 11 outreach activities, involving 118 students. We conclude that once lived experience beyond the university walls was possible to develop important skills and competencies for their professional practice, as will carry a baggage of real experiences.
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