Outreach, Alcohol and other drugs, Academic education.Abstract
The outreach activity involves teaching, outreach and research. This study aims to reports the outreach activities conducted by public institutions of higher education on the subject of alcohol and other drugs. It also reflects on the importance of including current and cross-cutting issues in the areas of health, such as drugs and associated vulnerabilities. It is part of the outreach program Center of Excellence in Drugs and Associated Vulnerabilities (Centro de Referências sobre Drogas e Vulnerabilidades Associadas) through the outreach project Group of Discussion (Roda de Debates) which aims to encourage debate on issues related to drugs and vulnerabilities associated with health professionals. As method, it was used the descriptive study of outreach projects. The data show that the training of professionals of intersectoral network is larger due public investments and that there are limitations to the higher education system on daily basis. It should be noted the relevance of developing outreach activities on the subject of drugs with students from universities in order to promote reflexive and critical learning.
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