outreach for community, health education, interdisciplinary communication.Abstract
This article aims to report the process of developing an outreach project that advocates the inseparability between teaching, research and outreach. The methodology was based on the Freirean concept of education. The outreach activities were carried out through meetings with the caregivers of children hospitalized in a pediatric hospital and in an outpatient clinic of endocrinology. The activities which involved teaching where developed with the Círculo de Cultura and caregivers as well as in teachers and students continuous training and in the discipline Pathophysiology of Organs and Systems. The research activities involved questionnaires on children’s quality of life and presentation of papers in events. The indissociability between teaching, research and outreach calls for university teachers and university students to articulate knowledge – the knowledge of experience, the knowledge of content and the knowledge of pedagogy, to bring benefits to the community.
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