About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Conexão UEPG  aims to strengthen the university and society bond by publishing articles resulted from outreach projects carried out in all academic fields.


It is an initiative of the Outreach Projects and Cultural Affairs Office of Ponta Grossa State University, located in Paraná – Brazil.


Peer Review Process

The manuscripts that meet all criteria are sent for peer review. The article will be reviewed by experts on outreach projects in several thematic areas from national and/or international institutions. The review is made through blind peer review in which neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other's identity.


Th manuscript may be returned to author(s) with suggestions so that it is published only if the necessary modifications are fulfilled. In this case, the manuscript will be sent to a second round review. If the Editor and/or Consultants understand that the suggestions were not fulfilled, the manuscript is not published.   


The Editor and Consultant Board have full authority over decision on the relevance of the study to the outreach field.

Publication Frequency

Currently, Revista Conexão UEPG is a four-montly publication, published in January - n° 1 (January-April); May - n° 2 (May-August); September - n° 3 (September-December).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Its content is under licence of Creative Commons


Article submission / processing charges

The journal does not charge fees for submitting or processing articles.

Policies for plagiarism

The journal has policies for screening plagiarism and self-plagiarism (iThenticate - Similarity Crosscheck). If it is detected by the Editorial Board and/or Consultants, the manuscript is not published.


If plagiarism is brought to light after the manuscript has been published, it will be conducted a preliminary investigation. If is the case, the journal should publish a statement about it. Misconduct will be reported to the university in which the author(s) developed the project/program.