
  • Juliana Prestes de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


In this paper, the analysis focuses on the elucidation of how is the refiguration of the protagonist Graciliano Ramos, in the novel Em liberdade: uma ficção de Silviano Santiago (At liberty: a fiction by Silviano Santiago), and how it serves to feed the survival of this historical literature figure. The study of the narrator and the protagonist, and their figurations, was carried out in order to understand the human format of the protagonist. Attention was paid to the perspectives that appear and are related in the narrative, interconnected to the voices of the narrators and the characters, which contribute to the construction and problematization of Ramos’s identity. It was possible to trace who “Gracilviano” is and his ways of living with others and positioning himself before the world.

Author Biography

Juliana Prestes de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Licenciada em letras Português-inglês, pela UTFPR e Mestre em Letras Literatura, pelo PPGLetras, UFSM/RS. Atualmente é doutoranda em Letras Literatura, bolsista CAPES/DS, e acadêmica do Curso EaD de Especialização em TICs aplicadas à educação, ambos pela UFSM.



How to Cite

PRESTES DE OLIVEIRA, J. EM LIBERDADE: GRACILIANO RAMOS’S REFIGURATION. Muitas Vozes, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 650–665, 2021. Disponível em: https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/muitasvozes/article/view/14668. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.