This article, in the light of the dialogical theory of the Bakhtin Circle, analyzes and discusses how the extraverbal and visual verbal dimensions are consistent in a combination of the discursive genre cartoon, to constitute a social value quote, an axiological position of criticism and complaint of a given social problem. Therefore, the “ENEM 2020” cartoon is taken as a compilation, produced by the cartoonist and caricaturist Lézio Junior, and published in the online newspaper “Diário da Região”, on May 17, 2020. The results indicate that, in the cartoon, verbal and non-verbal expressive resources are insinuated with social value, constituting ideological signs that reflect representative appreciations of social conflicts, to assume, in the case of the ENEM 2020 cartoon, a value of criticism of the government's position of refusing to unequal study conditions, in the context of the pandemic, and to the clamor of different social segments for the postponement of the exam in the year of 2020.
KEYWORDS: Dialogism. Value. Cartoon.
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