This article aims to introduce the writer José de Alencar as a man of his time, that is, a personality who lived according to the dictates of the 19th century, not being an avant-garde man, fan of progressive ideas and conceptions. In order to do so, we present a brief biography of Alencar, in addition to the analyses of a chronicle (1854) and the novel A Pata da Gazela (1870), which illustrate the life of the elite in the city of Rio de Janeiro, at the end of the 19th century, and mirror some of the ideas and preferences of the writer, which composed what we call here a “literacy of being brazilian”. This article is based, in addition to texts and paratexts authored by Alencar himself, writings by Borges (2003, 2005), Bosi (2017), Candido (1981, 1997, 2015), Menezes (1977), Schwarcz (1983), Freitas (2003), Trindade and Bernsts (2017), Pereira (2000), among others.
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