About the Journal

Focus and scope

Pauta Geral - Journalism studies, is a publication by the UEPG Journalism Postgraduate Program, whose concentration area is Journalistic Processes, from which we seek to address aspects related to the journalism epistemology, with theoretical and conceptual bases focusing on dynamics, productive routines, and mediatic production aspects. At the same time, we investigate journalism relationships with other knowledge areas, valuing the communication interfaces with social representations. Both research lines converge at the study of journalism internal and external dynamics, offering distinct and complementary views when observing journalistic (communicational) phenomena. 

The research groups certified by the CNPq Research Group Directory and linked to the program are:
Lógicas de Produção e Consumo no Jornalismo  [Logics of Production and Consumption in Journalism]
Grupos de Estudos e Pesquisas em Mídias digitais [Groups of Study and Resarch on Digital Media]
Jornalismo Cultural e Folkcomunicação (Folkcom Research Center)
O Conhecimento no Jornalismo [Knowledge in Journalism]
Jornalismo e Política: representações e atores sociais [Journalism and Politics: representations and social actors]
Grupo de Pesquisa Jornalismo e Gênero [Journalism and Gender Research Group]

To offer the society a relevant space for dissemination of results of research developed in the journalism area, enabling consultation and experience sharing that might contribute to other studies and the development of the professional activity.

Pauta Geral editorial norms: The journal receives a continuous flow of scientific papers and critical reviews by authors linked to higher education institutions, who hold at least a Master’s degree. The texts must address themes/theoretical-methodological approaches related to the journalism field, reporting results (either partial or final) of empirical research or conceptual reflections on issues involving journalism or its interface with other fields and objects. The Pauta Geral Journal also accepts, regarding authorship, reviews by researches or graduate students that are at least enrolled in a Master’s Program interviews and photo essays by researchers or graduate students who are at least in a Master’s Program. Reviews must address works published in the last three years preceding the review produced and submitted to the Pauta Geral editorial board. All texts must be accompanied by the author’s curriculum in Portuguese and English, in this order. The curriculum also must include the following information: professional qualification (university degree), last title, most recent institution, current academic or professional link, filiation to a research group, e.mail address and link to the curriculum lattes (for Brazilian researchers).


Peer evaluation process

Work submission procedures and evaluation policy

All contributions must be sent via the online system (SEER) in the Journal Portal ( http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/pauta). To submit work files, the authors must sign up, and after that they have to log in to start the submission process. It is also necessary to inform whether the text has already been presented in a congress, seminar, symposium, etc.

All texts must be formatted in Times New Roman font 11, 1.5 space between lines. Quotes with over three lines must consider indentation, simple spacing between lines, Times New Roman font 11. In all cases, the official language must be used, and the first page of the original must bear the title of the work (in Times New Roman font 12, in bold). Images used in the texts must be referenced in the material and numbered (e.g., Fig.01; Fig.02; etc.) and sent in separate files in JPG format, and 300 DPIs minimum resolution.

Authors must be sure that the text has been revised for correct spelling and grammar. After the file is sent, it will be renamed by the system and sent to two reviewers (members of the Editorial Board) for analysis.

Sending the material implies immediate transfer of copyright to the Pauta Geral Journal free of charge, and the journal will hold the exclusive right of first publication. However, authors keep the text copyright for later publications.

Title: The paper title must be short (specific and descriptive) and contain the keywords related to the text content, it must be translated into English.

Abstract: an informative abstract of 150 words (maximum) must be included in both languages, Portuguese and English, in simple spacing, Times New Roman font 11.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments or mention of any grants received to develop the work must be included at the end of the paper.

Graphic material: clear photos and graphs must be scanned only when really needed to clarify the text. If any illustration used has been published before, the source must be mentioned as well as the due permission for reproduction. The use of charts must be accompanied by a title that allows the understanding of the data gathered, without having to refer to the text for that.

References: bibliographic references must be included, following the current ABNT norm, must be in alphabetical order author/title, at the end of the paper. Author(s) are responsible for the accuracy and suitability of reference to works that were consulted and mentioned in the paper.



Every six months


Free access policy

This journal allows immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available free of cost to a wider audience results in greater global democratization of such knowledge. The journal follows the copyright parameters set forth by the Creative Commons License, which allow third parties to distribute, remix, adapt, and create from the published works, even with commercial purposes, since they acknowledge the original author. Those who decide to do it, must keep the same copyright policy.

The authors of works published in the Pauta Geral journal have the right to publication and distribution in any circumstances.


About us

The Pauta Geral Journal - Journalism studies is a publication of the Journalism Master’s Program of the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG). The Pauta Geral Journal main indexers are:

LatindexIBICT/ SEERREVIScomDiadorimEBSCO; DialnetDoajSumáriosPortal LivreSHERPA/ROMEO


Editorial Board

Alberto Pena Rodríguez (University of Vigo/Espanha), Alfredo Vizeu (UFPE), Antonio Fausto Neto (UNISINOS), Antonio Holfeldt (PUC/RS), Christa Berger (Unisinos), Dione Oliveira Moura (UNB), Elias Machado (UFSC), Eduardo Meditsch (UFSC), João Canavilhas (Universidade da Beira Interior/Portugal), João José Figueira (Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal), Jorge Pedro Sousa (Universidade do Porto/Portugal), José Marques de Melo (UMESP), Leonel Aguiar (PUC/RJ), Paul Levinson (Fordham University), Sérgio Luiz Gadini (UEPG), Yamile Haber Guerra (Cuba).

Scientific Committee


Journal History

When the Pauta Geral Journal was created in August 1993, it already had a bold objective: to build up and keep a space for discussion of research, problems, and studies developed in the journalism field. At that time, the editors (Elias Machado, CNPq researcher in the Communication Faculty at the Federal University of Bahia, and Sérgio Gadini, who was a student in the Communication Master’s Program at the time, and is currently a member of the Editorial Board) announced this knowledge area as “one of the most important cultural productions in the mediatic universe".

In 2003, some samples of the journal circulated again, which were published by the Calandra Publisher (located in Salvador and specialized in journalism) bearing the ISSN 1677-0595. Some of the collaborators at that time were Lorenzo Gomis, Marcos Palácios, Giovandro Ferreira, Ronaldo Henn, Angela Prysthon, and Francisco Karam.

The members of the Editorial Board were Emiliano José, Miguel Rodrigo, Nelson Traquina, Nilson Lage, Rosental Calmon Alves, Sergio Luiz Gadini, Sergio Mattos, and Victor Gentilli. From that issue onwards, the journal started to be edited by the professors Elias Machado and Tattiana Teixeira, who substituted Emiliano José, who got a leave to take office in a political position.

The journal was published again under the coordination of the UEPG Journalism Postgraduate program from 2014 onwards. This time, it was published in digital format with a new ISSN (2318-857X). Current coordinators, Marcelo Engel Bronosky e Hendryo Andre, have kept the frequency of the journal and managed to publish it twice a year.

In addition, the journal gained a new scientific committee, which includes members linked to international institutions. The works published represent relevant contributions by several researchers in the area from different places, making the journal an important reference for the journalism debate.