Pauta issues a call for the dossier The Place of the Journalistic Paradigm in the Scientific Field: Epistemological Debates


DOSSIER: The Place of the Journalistic Paradigm in the Scientific Field: Epistemological Debates

The challenges facing the professional field of journalism today, marked by the blurring of boundaries between journalism and communication, professionals and amateurs, traditional companies and channels, and profiles on social networks, make the aspects defining what journalism is more ambiguous. In part, this situation has been considered to explain phenomena of a "crisis" affecting the profession, the business model, the credibility, and the importance of journalism, as addressed by researchers, as well as by professionals and stakeholders in the field.

For some, it is a crisis preceding the consolidation of a new paradigm that is modifying journalism and from which a new definition will emerge, with characteristics different from those currently underpinning the understanding of the activity and its consequences for society.

In an area also marked by the dichotomy between practice and theory, current conditions make the task of journalism scientists more challenging in presenting problems and solutions to the impasse in which journalism finds itself. In this sense, the scientific field has been questioned about its ability to provide answers.

The dossier presented here aims to gather contributions from researchers interested in problematizing the field of journalism from either a theoretical perspective or epistemological debates that allow for an advancement of current thinking, whether from a critical or propositional standpoint considering the centrality of journalism science in this process. In this sense, the dossier also constitutes a provocation for the scientific field to present perspectives on the paradigmatic issue of journalism. Are we indeed experiencing a paradigmatic crisis? Is the turbulent current scenario characteristic of the current paradigm, or are crises inherent to journalism, in the attempt to balance different interests? What is the place of journalism in this context of social transformations? What principles guide journalism in contemporary times?

From this debate, we invite researchers to submit their contributions.

Guilherme Carvalho -

Journalist, postdoctoral researcher in Journalism from the State University of Ponta Grossa (2019). Ph.D. from Unesp and Master in Sociology from the Federal University of Paraná. Holds a postgraduate degree (lato sensu) in Communication, Culture, and Art from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2013) and a degree in Social Communication with a focus on Journalism from the State University of Ponta Grossa (2001). Professor and coordinator of the journalism course at Centro Universitário Uninter. Also serves as vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Journalism Education (Abej) and faculty member of the Graduate Program in Journalism at UEPG.

Marcelo Engel Bronosky -

Journalist, Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2008). Master's in Social Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (1998) and Bachelor's in Journalism from the State University of Ponta Grossa (1994). Associate professor at the State University of Ponta Grossa in the undergraduate journalism courses and the exclusive dedication Master's in Journalism. Vice-director of institutional relations at Abej (2022/2024). Coordinates the Research Group on Logics of Journalism Production and Consumption.