A cobertura sobre saúde no Jornal Nacional: avaliação de qualidade a partir do critério relevância


  • Josenildo Guerra Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS, Brasil
  • Maria Sol Silva


This paper is an experimental assessment of the health agenda for the Jornal Nacional, a television news program aired by TV Globo. This assessment is based on criterion relevance. The applied methodology is the Journalistic Agenda Guide. The different themes of the area are structured into the Relevance Matrix, which applies the relevance factors of two agendas: political and public. These factors suggest the relevance of the subjects and recommend goals for news production (Reference Semantic Resolution Index) consistent to their relevance. The quality is measured by comparing real JN news production from 2017 according to theme/subtheme, with reference values from the Coverage Matrix. We found the coverage from the JN to be insufficient as it did not reach the standards of quality proposed by this study. As this evaluation is experimental, the results are therefore not conclusive, but they do offer some insights into improving journalistic coverage, its production, and the quality assessment process applied.



How to Cite

Guerra, J., & Silva, M. S. (2020). A cobertura sobre saúde no Jornal Nacional: avaliação de qualidade a partir do critério relevância. Pauta Geral - Journalism Studies, 7(1), 1–27. Retrieved from https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/pauta/article/view/15173