Social reproduction of violence and fear

Reproducción social de las violencias y los miedos




Social leaders, Social fear, Social representations


This paper focuses on understanding some of the ways which social fear is amplified, from the idea of threatening and restricting the freedoms of the bodies, in news discourses. The research is part of the results of a large investigation, in this writing we present, the social representations construct by the Colombian press in relation to homicidal violence against social leaders in 2018. We start from understanding that in the structure of the corpora addressed, the absence of actors, the idea of the ghost and the organic explanation of the homicidal violent phenomenon, enhance the construction of meanings that are related to the social construction of fear, and that is reproduced in various social discourses, also, which accounts for the insufficient understanding of the violent phenomenon towards social struggles in Colombia, embodied in their murdered leaders.


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How to Cite

Suarez Gonzalez, M. T., & Salazar, J. C. R. (2023). Social reproduction of violence and fear: Reproducción social de las violencias y los miedos. Pauta Geral - Journalism Studies, 10(2), 31–50.