
consequences of attacks on the press on the routine of information professionals





Violence against the press, Interview, Reporting routine


Communication companies and journalists adapted their production routines in favor of the safety of reporting teams after the murder of Tim Lopes (Ramos and Paiva, 2017) and, more recently, in the face of politically motivated attacks fueled on digital social networks by what understood as a Fifth Power (Dutton, 2009). Through interviews (Garrett, 1981; Seidman, 1991), bibliographic surveys, and documentary research (Fonseca, 2002), sought to understand the consequences of different types of violence in the personal and professional routines of journalists at TV Globo and affiliates, frequently attacked in recent years. It was concluded that violence against the press led to changes in the search for news and routine recordings. The lives of professionals were affected by fear and distrust.

Author Biography

Gabriel Landim, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF)

PhD candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM) at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Master in Communication from PPGCom at UFJF (Media and Social Processes). Member of the Audiovisual Journalism Center (NJA), coordinated by Dr. Iluska Coutinho. Develop studies on disinformation and its impacts on Journalism, on contemporary threats to Journalism and changes in the production process of television journalism. Author of a dissertation on attacks on journalists shown on TV. Graduated in Journalism from Centro Universitário UniAcademia. Reporter at TV Integração Afiliada Globo in Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Landim de Souza, G. (2024). “Journalist-speak”: consequences of attacks on the press on the routine of information professionals. Pauta Geral - Journalism Studies, 11(2), 11–27. https://doi.org/10.5212/RevistaPautaGeral.v.11.24055