Journalism and Artificial Intelligence

Challenges in Media Newsrooms




Journalism, Artificial Intelligence, Generative Artificial Intelligence


What is the role of journalism in times of artificial intelligence? And when generative artificial intelligence becomes more of a protagonist in information mediation processes, what impact has it had on the work of newsrooms (newspapers, radio, television, multimedia, and communication consultancies)? This study, after a year of field research, aims to reflect on, highlight, and analyze these new editorial sociabilities, with the initial locus of reflection being the newsrooms and media of cities in the state of Piauí, where higher education in journalism is offered. It is worth noting that the interfaces of agenda-setting, investigation, editing, and dissemination, after field and theoretical analysis, are shown to be differentiated and affected, whether or not, by the broad insertion and standardization of artificial intelligence tools in editorial processes.


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How to Cite

de Carvalho Berti, O. M. (2024). Journalism and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges in Media Newsrooms. Pauta Geral - Journalism Studies, 11(2), 133–148.