Discourse genres in english textboooks in the education of youth and adults


  • José Rosamilton de Lima UERN
  • Deny de Souza Gandour UFRN - UERN




Discourse genres. English language teaching. Textbook.


Abstract: This work analyses the textbook adopted in the education of youth and adults (EJA) in
order to verify whether the material meets students´ reading abilities needs. It is expected that the
language teacher uses a varied number of discourse genres in classroom to help students take an
active role in the discursive practices and develop and understanding of the social relations in which
they are involved. The analysis of the textbook suggests that the material is adequate as it presents a
signifi cant diversity of discourse genres from authentic sources about themes related to students´ lives.
The textbook also gives priority to reading, which is the most relevant ability in English language
teaching in basic education.
Keywords: Discourse genres. English language teaching. Textbook.



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