Mathematics fairs, teacher training, support, organization and training project to teachers and students for the mathematics fairs, state of Santa Catarina.Abstract
Mathematics Fairs have been held for over thirty years in the State of Santa Catarina. The event was consolidated in the State and over the years there has been a significant increase in the number of works submitted. For this reason, it was deemed necessary to provide the event with an increasingly scientific nature with more concise rules. For this purpose, a Scientific Committee was created, which immediately identified the lack of adequacy of the writing presented by the participants of the Fairs. A gap was noticed between what is presented in the event and what is written in the expanded abstract. Therefore, the need for a training focused on the production and / or elaboration of these abstracts submitted by teachers participating in the Mathematics Fairs was evidenced. Thus, this article aims to bring to the public knowledge the procedures carried out in the project of Extension entitled "Project of Support, Organization and Training of Teachers and Students for Mathematics Fairs" of the IFC - Campus Araquari.References
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