Theory of the Imaginary, Design, Design Project, Creativity.Abstract
This paper presents the results of an unfolding of the Extension Project "Production of Costumes and Scene Objects for Junina Quadrille", linked to the Design and Communication Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco - Agreste Academic Center, which took place between 2014 and 2016. Thus, this article alludes to part of the results of the expansion of the activities initially planned in the Project. We intersect the creation of other artifacts - not just those linked to scene objects and clothing for the quadrille – with the Theory of the Imaginary as the foundation of the creative process of the participants in the extension project. These are the results of one of the individual work plans developed from the expansion of the activities of the Extension Project. The connection with the senses, the memories, the experiences of the individuals, the imaginary of the designer and his symbolic approach with the users were experienced in the creation practice presented.
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