Restorative justice, Criminal alternatives, Accountability, Education, Alterity.Abstract
This study aims to reflect on restorative justice practices in the field of penal alternatives. It is an exploratory research that relies on qualitative approach and has as an investigative focus the actions developed by the project Blitz/Prossiga linked to the Patronage Extension Program of State University of Ponta Grossa that is in charge of the penal enforcement actions in Ponta Grossa. This project provides assistance to individuals that committed traffic offences and are complying with an alternative penal measure. Initially, it was carried out a bibliographical review based on the conceptions of justice and alterity of Emanuel Lévinas. The research results demonstrated that the project developed by the Patronage Extension Program/ UEPG is a concrete experience to the enforcement of restorative penal alternatives and it is a viable possibility to the penal alternatives of retribution which take into account to the accountability and education of the perpetrators of traffic violation.
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