Microbiological contamination, Water quality, Awareness, Alternative treatments.Abstract
This study aims to report the outreach activities developed through the program BB Agua Limpa. It was carried out group dynamics related to the importance, use and preservation of water as well as the microbiological contamination, diseases and alternative treatments for it. The target audience were children and adolescents from urban, rural and indigenous schools of Barra do Bugres and Tangará da Serra, located in state of Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. It was used visual presentation, rounds of conversation, playful activities and illustrative representations of the pathogens that cause water related diseases. The activities reached 956 students and the results were satisfactory since it allowed dissemination of knowledge that would contribute to the awareness about the quality of water for consumption. Besides, it provided interaction between the community and the university in order to seek alternatives to improve the quality of life.
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