University Outreach Project, Didactics, Teacher Education.Abstract
The theme of this article is the knowledge about outreach projects and their possible contributions to the initial education of undergraduate students in Pedagogy at the Ponta Grossa State University - UEPG - PR, taking into consideration the recent discussions about curricularisation of outreach activities. The aim is to reflect about the contributions of the outreach project called: "The Didactic Dimension in Teaching: The Relationship between Teaching, Learning, Researching and Evaluating", developed with undergraduate students from various courses at the UEPG. Outreach activities are seen as adequate spaces for the dialogue between the university and the community. The considerations presented in this article, highlight aspects related to the meaning of outreach projects for the education of undergraduate students, making it more meaningful. The study was based on the contributions of André (2010), Garcia (2012), Gatti (2013, 2014), among others. It is observed that outreach university activities in teachers´ initial education provides the undergraduates, not only the contact with the teaching reality, but also the perception about it, favoring the construction of knowledge and the involvement of all participants.
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