Support Groups, Family, Outreach project, Care.Abstract
This descriptive article aims to report the experience of the teaching/research/outreach project of the Multidisciplinary Care Group– AMA in the Portuguese acronym, which provides care to families facing death/dying in a hospital context. The project has been active since October 2013, and it involves the Nursing and Psychology courses of the Federal University of Bahia in activities in a public hospital setting. The project aims to unveil the transpersonal-systemic support to the families of life risk patients using family records, monitoring visits, group activities and interactional dynamics. The results include: teaching - training students to carry out transpersonal-systemic care; research - developed with families and specific professionals; and outreach project - support and care to the family of the hospitalized person facing risk of death, as well as interaction and multidisciplinary hospital mobilization. The study concludes that the actions taken are relevant to contribute to a more comprehensive care towards those facing death/dying, and for the improvement of professional skills necessary to face this challenge.References
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