Digital Inclusion, Older Persons, Obstacles.Abstract
Currently, discussions on the importance of digital inclusion have intensified. Scholar groups, from different areas, have been joining efforts to integrate, through extension activities, older people to the information society. The IDIGETI Project (Digital Inclusion in GETI (Education Group in the Third Age)) is carried out in Campus Castanhal of Federal University of Pará (UFPA), located in the northeastern of Pará, Brazil. It provides information about the use of digital technologies through lectures and practices, which is required by the law that protects the rights of older people. However, there are factors that may inhibit older persons to access virtual environment. Thus, this study aims to show the difficulties faced by a group of senior citizens of the city of Castanhal, revealing the issues and the alternatives found to provide them with the TICs (Information and Communication Technologies).
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