communication right, community journalism, citizenship, university extension.Abstract
This paper aims at discussing the communication right as part of the citizenship practices, from the experience of the journalistic website Portal Comunitário, created in 2008 at the State University of Ponta Grossa, which seeks to bring visibility to the demands of over 50 civil society organizations. The text begins with the theoretical background for community journalism and citizenship to characterize the experience in content production and popular participation in the site. For this purpose, it brings quantitative surveys relating to news coverage, identifying data on productions in the neighborhoods of the city and the most relevant topics treated in the portal, which indicate how the public interest appears in the journalism practice. It also presents data on the “Espaço Jurídico”, a section which offers guidance on rights and favors the participation of citizens. With this approach, the paper presents aspects of community journalism in times of expansion of digital media, revealing the importance of giving visibility to community needs and encourage popular participation to strengthen citizenship.
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