Teacher Training, Ludic Practices, Blood Center.Abstract
This study aims to report the challenges and the reflections of students of Pedagogy and Physical Education about an outreach project carried out in Paraná. The project is developed in a blood center with people who have different blood disorders, such as Hemophilia, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anemia, among others. The methodology used was the analysis of questionnaires answered by seven participants of that project, with subjective questions about their perspectives and insights about their performance. As a result, it was possible to conclude that the outreach project gives a new impetus to the practice of its participants, allowing them to cope with queries and their initial impressions about patients. The theoretical principles of social education contribute to deal with patients so that they understand the importance of health care as well as the struggle to guarantee their rights. The project allows patients to interact with each other and build collective solutions to their problems as well as having fun with the activities and games. It also contributes significantly to the training process and to the human and social aspects of the group members.
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