
  • João Aparecido Bazolli Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT




Nós Propomos, university extension, citizenship education.


This study aimed to examine the multiplicity of actors involved in the dynamic of the project “Nós Propomos” (We Offer), considering the respect for diversity due to the range of integrative and thematic actions undertaken between university and public high schools of the state of Tocantins. The qualitative and quantitative methodology applied to the empirical study analyzed the performance of the ones in charge of the integrative and thematic actions of the project, consisted of students and teachers of high school and undergraduate and postgraduate courses, to create a structural basis to transmit knowledge production. As a result, it integrated university and high school communities in the production and transmission of knowledge. It was possible to conclude that the project was successful at establishing a relationship of multiplicity and diversity and at promoting a breakthrough in educational technology.

Author Biography

João Aparecido Bazolli, Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT

Professor da Universidade Federal de Tocantins (UFT), TO - Brasil. Doutorado em Geografia. Pós-Doutorado sobre o tema democracia participativa.


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