diabetic foot, amputation, risk factors.Abstract
Diabetic foot is one of the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, and it is also related to the high rates of lower limbs amputation. Among the medical specialties, vascular surgery is responsible for most of the studies about the study of diabetic foot. The State University of Ponta Grossa develops an outreach project called “Follow-up of patients from the angiology and vascular surgery ambulatory”, which carries out numerous academic and social activities. Numerous research lines are part of this outreach project, one of these studies focuses only on diabetic foot. This article was written exclusively with data obtained from this outreach project that aims to identify risk factors for non-traumatic major amputation in patients with diabetic foot. It was a cohort study carried out from 2012 to 2015 involving 43 patients hospitalized for diabetic foot. The first data collection was done through a clinical examination, including sociodemographic data, whereas the second data collection to record the outcome of major amputations was done via telephone calls. The risk factors assessed were diverse; among them are previous minor amputation, arteriopathy and systemic arterial hypertension. No statistically significant value was found for the risk factors evaluated. It was concluded that the risk factors studied were not associated with the greater amputation outcome.
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