contemporaneity, teachers’ development, multireferential teacher.Abstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the themes offered in the Teacher Training Extension Course: a contemporary challenge as an indicative for the improvement of teacher training in the public education system. The research was carried out at the Center for Research and Pedagogical Studies of the State University of Southwest of Bahia. The participants were 20 teachers from the municipal and state public schools who attended the last three courses. A semistructured questionnaire containing 12 questions was used as an instrument to collect data on the contribution of the course to the development of those professionals, the learning acquired and the changes originated from the experiences / interactions in the course. The themes were divided into five areas interactively developed, in a multidimensional perspective, allowing the participants a vision of the basic concepts based on theoretical and experiential activities: a) history of teacher training in Brazil, b) practice and teacher training, c) memories and teacher training, d) teacher training research, e) the multireferential teacher. Among the acquired learning we identified the valorization of knowledge and the understanding of the teacher and student relationship; Importance of continuous training, improvement of professional performance; Reflection on the pedagogical practice; Teacher appreciation and teacher subjectivity. The need for the applicability of the themes in the teachers' pedagogical practice was also verified. Regarding the contribution of the course to the professionals’ development and the changes derived from the experiences / interactions, the participants pointed out the theoretical construction and the professional maturation, the extension of the vision about being a teacher; the need for continuous education; the teaching know-how and the knowledge about everyday school life. In this sense, the interlocution between knowledges, has as consequences the production of knowledge resulting from the confrontation with reality, such as in a dialectical process theory / practice / reflection / practice.
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