Outreach event, Memory, Students´occupations.Abstract
This article describes and analyzes the Seminar: Memorial of students´ occupations that took place in November, 2016.The seminar was part of the outreach project from the Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG) called Study Group about Youth. The Study Group used Walter Benjamin´s categories about history and memory and Jacques Rancièrs´s category about political subjectivation to analyze the planning records, as well as the implementation and the evaluation of the seminar in addition to the unfoldings of the event. The outcomes include meeting the goal of valuing the memories of the struggles of the movement and the occupations in the south of Minas Gerais in addition to the recognition, which was not expected, of a feeling of anguish and discomfort among the students that occupied the schools and the university. At the end of the article, a research proposal is presented. The research will investigate the school and political trajectories of the students that participated of the occupation movement.
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