Communicating to "hold the sky": dialogues with young indigenous communicators from Ceará about their narratives and experiences on social networks

diálogos com jovens comunicadores indígenas cearenses sobre suas narrativas e experiências nas redes sociais


  • Ivna Nilton Marques Girão PPGCOM UFC



Juventudes, Indígenas, Narrativas, Redes Sociais


The article analyzes the content production of young indigenous people from Ceará on social networks, observing the narratives presented on Instagram, of how experiences and cultures are communicated. As a proposal for dialogue, I bring the creation of the page "Juventude Indígena Conectada - JIC" and voices and narratives of communicators who are producing content. The theoretical framework dialogues with the philosophy of Ailton Krenak (2019) about the importance of "always being able to tell one more story", and the research is interested in a methodology of "listening and telling", with the objective that is primarily of a qualitative nature, building qualitative analyses of texts and images. All this, in order to think about the presence of these young people and the communication of their cultures in a digital environment. The dissertation is interested in making a study about the young indigenous communicators of Ceará and how they are occupying Instagram and I bring some questions: what is the importance of communicating to tell stories, how is the indigenous culture communicated by social networks, How these young people organize themselves in this space, what stories these communicators want to tell. With this, the research aims to understand how these young communicators present themselves and organize themselves based on their narratives about culture and communication in posts.


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How to Cite

MARQUES GIRÃO, I. N. Communicating to "hold the sky": dialogues with young indigenous communicators from Ceará about their narratives and experiences on social networks: diálogos com jovens comunicadores indígenas cearenses sobre suas narrativas e experiências nas redes sociais. Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 47, p. 129–150, 2023. DOI: 10.5212/RIF.v.21.i47.0007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.