



Ex-votos, Saúde, Cura, Folkcomunicação


The genesis of the term ex-votos dates to the Greek and Roman people and brings in its semantics the recognition of faith, being materialized in pieces that symbolize gratitude for a grace achieved, in many cases referring to the cure of an illness. Ex-votos can present themselves in different ways, however, this article aims to analyze some aspects of the ex-votive letters and notes researched through the Ex-votos do Brasil project, which aims to identify and catalog the vast typology of Brazilian ex-votos. The focus here is justified by bringing elements arising from a Folkcommunicational and linguistic process, with theoretical bases that substantiate the importance and strength that the ex-voto has with the media.

Author Biographies

José Cláudio Alves de Oliveira, Universidade Federal da Bahia

PhD in Communication and Contemporary Culture, from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil (2004). PhD in Memory: Language and Society, from the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB), Brazil (2023). Post-doctorate in Communication and Technologies, from UMinho, Portugal (FAPESB BOL2757/2012, CAPES BEX18009/12-3) (2012). Post-doctorate PNPD/CAPES in Information Science at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) (88882.317832/2013-01) (2019). Associate Professor IV of the Department of Museology at UFBA. Permanent professor of the postgraduate programs in Information Science (PPGCI) and Museology at UFBA (PPGMUSEU). CNPq researcher. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Museology at UFBA (PPGMUSEU). Coordinator of the Ex-votos Research Center. Participated as a member of the Capes Interdisciplinary Area Committee.

Alexandra Santos Ribeiro, Bahia Federal University

Graduated in Literature from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Currently, she is a Master's student in Museology at UFBA. Experience in the area of Linguistics, with an emphasis on Cognitive Linguistics. Research the Biographical Ex-votos at the Sanctuary of Senhor Bom Jesus do Bomfim, in Salvador, Bahia. She is a member of the Study Group on Cybermuseums and the Ex-votos Research Center.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, J. C. A. de; SANTOS RIBEIRO, A. MIRACLE THAT WAS TAKEN: REFLECTIONS ON EX-VOTIVE LETTERS AND TICKETS FOR HEALTH. Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 48, p. 53–71, 2024. DOI: 10.5212/RIF.v.22.i48.0003. Disponível em: https://revistas.uepg.br/index.php/folkcom/article/view/23318. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.