Pauta Geral issues a call for papers for the dossier Journalism and Decoloniality


The Pauta Geral Journal invites the scientific community to explore the call for the dossier Journalism and Decoloniality, organized by Edgard Patrício (UFC), Mara Rovida (Uniso), Luan Matheus Santana (UFC), and Verônica Maria Alves Lima (UFF). The deadline for submitting texts is May 2, 2023. The dossier is expected to be published in the first edition of 2023 (v. 10, n. 1), scheduled to be released by the end of June.

Articles must adhere to all the journal's submission guidelines and use the template provided in the publication. In addition to the dossier, Pauta Geral accepts articles on a continuous flow.


Discussions on decoloniality and decolonial attitudes have become increasingly frequent across various areas of academic research. In the case of journalism studies, the theme has only recently been more directly and explicitly addressed, fostering debates from viewpoints that, if not entirely novel, promote the integration of various analytical aspects not always combined in research. Strengthening decoloniality is directly related to the rise of historically silenced and/or ignored voices and perspectives in the social discourse.

For journalism, this context represents a significant investigative shift, considering the emergence and reorganization of different practical initiatives aimed at constructing alternative spaces/modes for journalistic production and distribution. These initiatives strongly impact peripheral territorialities, bearing the marks of diversity that add different values to the professional culture of journalism and journalists, revisiting principles and procedures. Collectively, they point toward a necessary epistemic discussion within the field.

The (in)surgent dimension and activist-identity characterization of these initiatives, while demanding alternative epistemic perspectives on the field, also pose challenges to academic research. How can we move beyond methodological procedures grounded in objectivist and dual logics of investigation? How can we access the peripheral territorialities that constitute these initiatives? What steps are necessary to involve the subjects of these initiatives as active participants in the research, adopting a dialogical approach?

In the wake of a supposed 'militant journalism,' some of these initiatives have been questioned about their ability to produce journalistic content, based on an alleged lack of professionalism, despite a considerable portion of those responsible for these initiatives holding degrees (and even postgraduate degrees) in journalism. This has led to another binary, seeking to separate what is considered 'professional journalism' (typically associated with mainstream journalism companies) from what is not considered 'professional journalism.' Dissipating limiting binaries has been an effort undertaken by the decolonial perspective in various fields of knowledge. In journalism, this shift not only questions the media hegemonies established in Brazil and Latin America since colonization but also reignites debates around communication democratization, voice plurality, and the human right to communication, from the perspective of subalternized peoples.

With this dossier, we also aim to stimulate conceptual debates around journalism and understand its various applications, introducing other epistemological, ontological, and practical possibilities. The diverse ways of doing journalism also open paths to broaden our conception of journalism. Additionally, the dossier creates an exclusive space to gather directed debates on the specific interfaces between journalism and decoloniality.

Thematic Axes

Thus, this dossier will welcome works aligned with the following themes, as well as related topics:

  • Theoretical and/or methodological contributions of decoloniality to journalism
  • Reflections and analyses of journalistic practice from a decolonial perspective
  • Reflections and analyses of different models of journalistic practice and professional culture
  • Reflections and analyses of independent journalism initiatives and their specificities
  • Epistemic reflections on the journalism-decoloniality interface
  • Research reports articulating journalism and decoloniality
  • Critical essays linking journalism and decoloniality
  • Intersectionality in journalism research
  • Action/participant/applied research linked to the decolonial proposal in journalism
  • Interface between alternative, community, and popular journalism and the decolonial perspective
  • Use and incorporation of popular science and ancestral technologies in journalistic practice
  • Reflections, analyses, and research reports on journalism initiatives linked to peripheral territories


Dossier Organizers

Edgard Patrício |

Journalist, Ph.D. in Education from the Federal University of Ceará. Professor of Journalism and the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Ceará. Member of the coordination of the Práxis no Jornalismo - PráxisJor research group. Member of the coordination and production team of the PapoCom podcast, which discusses the relationship between communication research and society. Organizer of the book 'Transformações no mundo do trabalho do jornalismo' (Insular, 2022).

Mara Rovida |

Journalist, Master in Social Communication from Faculdade Cásper Libero, Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP, lecturer at the PPG in Communication and Culture at the University of Sorocaba, and member of the collegiate coordination of the Contemporary Media Narratives Research Network (Renami). Conducted postdoctoral research at the PPG in Journalism at the State University of Ponta Grossa and authored the book "Jornalismo das periferias - o diálogo social solidário nas bordas urbanas" (CRV, 2020).

Luan Matheus Santana |

Journalist, Ph.D. student in the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), temporary professor at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), and popular Educommunicator at the Collaborative Education & Communication Platform - Ocorre Diário. Member of the Práxis no Jornalismo (PraxisJor) and Journalism, Innovation, and Equality (JOII) research groups. Co-organizer and co-author of the book “Desigualdades Tecnológicas e Inovações Emergentes no Jornalismo Digital” (2022).

Verônica Maria Alves Lima |

Journalist, Ph.D. student in the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF). Conducted a sandwich Ph.D. at the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global South (ICGSS) at the University of Tübingen, Germany, with a CAPES scholarship. Since 2016, a member of the Communication-Decoloniality Thematic Group of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC). Co-organizer and co-author of the book “Decolonialidade, Comunicação e Cultura,” published by UNIFAP in 2022.

Basic References

CASTRO-GÓMEZ, Santiago & GROSFOGUEL, Ramon (coord). El giro decolonial: reflexiones para uma diversidad epistêmica más allá del capitalismo global. Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores; Universidad Central, Instituto de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Pensar, 2007.

CUSICANQUI, Silvia Rivera. Ch’ixinakax utxiwa: uma reflexão sobre práticas e discursos descolonizadores. N-1 Edições, 2021.

LIMA, Verônica M. A. Contribuições dos estudos decoloniais para pesquisa e prática do jornalismo. In: SARDINHA, Antonio; LIMA, Verônica M. A.; LARA, Eloina C.; BELMONTE, Valeria. (orgs.) Decolonialidade, Comunicação e Cultura. Macapá-AP: Editora UNIFAP, 2022. Disponível em:

MALDONADO-TORRES, Nelson. Maldonado-Torres, N. Analítica da colonialidade e da decolonialidade: algumas dimensões básicas. In: BERNARDINO-COSTA, J., MALDONADO-TORRES, N. & GROSFOGUEL, R.  Decolonialidade e Pensamento Afrodiaspórico. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2018. pp. 28-56

PATRÍCIO, Edgard; LIMA, R. C. B. . Elementos de identidade em iniciativas de jornalismo independente. REVISTA EXTRAPRENSA, v. 13, p. 217-231, 2020. Disponível em

ROVIDA, Mara. Jornalismo das periferias: o diálogo social solidário nas bordas urbanas. Curitiba: CRV, 2020.

SANTANA, Luan M. Direito humano à comunicação e re-existência digital: um olhar decolonial sobre webjornalismo alternativo do Piauí – 2021. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Piauí, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, Teresina, 2021. Disponível em:

TORRICO, Erick. Hacia la Comunicación Decolonial. Bolivia: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, 2016.

TORRICO, Erick. Comunicación (re)humanizadora: Ruta decolonial. Quito, Ecuador: Ediciones Ciespal, 2022. Disponível em:

WALSH, Catherine; MIGNOLO, Walter. On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis. Duke University Press, 2018.