Fahrenheit 451: the empty memory in a world without books


  • Roberta Cantarela
  • Acir Dias da Silva




Cinema, Literature, Memory, Nouvelle Vague Movement


In 1966 the French director François Truffaut, one of the precursors of Nouvelle vague
(“new wave”), launched his fi ction masterwork the fi lm Fahrenheit 451, a cinematography translation
of the homonymous romance by the American writer Ray Bradbury. Nouvelle vague was a movement
that created a rupture with the Hollywood esthetics and inserted the picture in a refl exive context. The
fi lm Fahrenheit 451 has as protagonist Montag, a fi reman whose work is to seek, collect and burn
books in a totalitarian society where books are prohibited. This research intends to study the fi lm
Fahrenheit 451, based on the analysis of the fi lmic narration scenes, having as reference the concepts
of the Nouvelle Vague movement in a dialogue with memory and forgetfulness.
Keywords: Cinema. Literature. Memory. Nouvelle Vague Movement.

Author Biographies

Roberta Cantarela

Mestre. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE. Bolsista da CAPES

Acir Dias da Silva

Doutor. Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE



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