constructive safety, civil engineering, social-educational measures, resocialization.Abstract
The research aims at addressing the importance of constructive safety in the buildings of Socio-educational Units, reflecting upon the social contributions of the Civil Engineer to the subject. The considerations presented are based on the research and extension Project Youth Education and Law: an intervention action in a socio-educational center, from the University Vale do Rio Doce - (NONATO, 2014), whose objective is to contribute to the socio-educational process and the resocialization of young people in compliance with socio-educational measures of deprivation of freedom at the São Francisco de Assis Socio-Educational Center in Governador Valadares - MG. The reflections put forward are supported by technical documents referring to the Units (SINASE, 2006), Engineering conceptions (TELLES, 1999) and the Michel Foucault's (1999) theoretical contributions to think about power relations in the prison space and the conclusion points out that it is necessary to give greater concern to the space of Socio-educational Assistance Units.
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