Experiential learning, university extension, donation of organs and tissues, vocational training.Abstract
A socio-community problem was addressed in the framework of the Extension Project "Donation of organs: interdisciplinary and multi-centered dialogue of knowledge" (UNLPam, Argentina). The participants were teachers and students from the Faculty of Biological Sciences and from health and social institutions. It used action research methodology that involved students, parents, community members and secondary teachers through workshops in different secondary schools. This study describes the knowledge that teachers have about the subject and the teaching and learning processes that students develop in different social contexts. The teachers' reports indicate that they do not deal with this issue due to the lack of knowledge about the meaning and mechanisms oforgan donation. Besides, it is difficult to them to cope with a topic related to brain death. The extension practices allow the construction of strengths from an approximate approach in order to address the problems in the community.
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