Pedagogical Architectures, Learning, Communication, Participation.Abstract
This research is linked to the Outreach Program “Joint Effort for Digital Inclusion” from the University of Passo Fundo (UPF). It aims to understand the potentialities and limitations of the methodology used in Informatics and Citizenship Workshops offered under the theoretical perspective of Pedagogical Architectures proposed by Carvalho, Nevado and Menezes (2007). The evaluation method used in the research is characterized as qualitative-exploratory and the primary data collection was done through the triangulation of instruments. The research participants included thirty-one preschoolers, two schoolteachers and four monitors of the aforementioned workshops. The main results suggest that the methodology adopted in the study is in accordance with the concept of Pedagogical Architectures, which is a powerful alternative for social transformation through university outreach activities carried out in the community.References
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