UATI, Storytelling, Elderly, Community Outreach Education.Abstract
Senior citizens increasingly look for spaces in which they can act, elevate their self-esteem and fulfill themselves as incomplete human beings in search for constant learning. The State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG, in the Portuguese acronym) offers activities for senior citizens as part of its outreach project called Open University for Senior Citizens (UATI, in the Portuguese acronym). Storytelling is one of the many courses offered in the project. In this course, senior citizens stimulate their memories; participate actively in the construction of resources and tell stories. This article presents some reflections about the experiences with The Napping House by Audrey Wood and Don Wood. The story was presented in schools through intergeneration relations, therefore, it was possible for the senior citizens to give new meaning to their knowledge, as well as value and strengthen their social roles. It is a bibliographical research about outreach activities and the experience with the course. The activities carried out in the project aimed at articulating stories from different periods of oral and written tradition, allowing the senior citizens to discuss their culture and develop new knowledge and new experiences through Children´s Literature and meetings with children.
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